For a limited time, we are offering the AngelSense Device for FREE.
We would like to help families protect their loved ones and get peace of mind.

AngelSense GPS Tracker Search & Rescue Tools

Lifesaving Tools to Keep Your Loved
One Safe


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Maximum Safety & Independence

Prevent Emergencies and Quickly Find Your Loved One

Angel Photo

See your loved one's photo on the map
and share it in emergencies

Live Location Map

Track your loved one’s live location
and see where you are in relation to them

Instant Wandering Alerts

Know as soon as an elopement
occurs so you can act fast

First Responders

Notify your list of first responders
to help during an emergency

Share Live Location

Send temporary access of a live map
to anyone, including the police

Device Alarm

Sound an alarm on the device to easily find
them in a crowd or when hiding


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Introducing Angel Photo

Stay Close Even When You’re Away

See your loved one’s photo on your AngelSense map at all times.

In emergencies, when activating First Responders or Share Live Location, their photo will be shared with the search teams and help locate them faster.

Quickly Access Lifesaving Features

Only AngelSense Has Advanced Search & Rescue Tools

  • Accurate Safeguard GPS Tracking
  • Variety of Live Map Views
  • Proactive Wandering Alerts
  • Runner Mode Real-Time Location
  • Quick Access to Emergency Tools
  • Easily Activate a Search Team
  • Immediately Take Action 

My Grandson Jason is non-verbal and a “runner” who bolts with no sense of danger. While we have triple locks on the doors and we watch him closely, it only takes seconds for him to disappear and minutes for his life to be at risk. Now with AngelSense we know without a doubt where he is, we get notifications throughout the day of any location changes and are able to monitor him in all situations and keep him safe. AngelSense is highly rated with good reason; it’s durable, consistent, comfortable for him to wear and he can’t remove it. I’m truly grateful for and believe in AngelSense.
Trudi, Autism Grandmother

Introducing Indoor Search

Our Latest Search & Rescue Tool Uses WiFi Hotspots to Locate Your Loved One Indoors

When you don’t have a strong GPS data or cellular signal, you can now find your loved one using WiFi hotspots to pinpoint their location.
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Immediately Find Your Lost Loved One

Advanced tools to get to your loved one ASAP and prevent an emergency

AngelSense offers an array of lifesaving tools to make sure that when an elopement occurs you can do everything possible to take immediate action, get to your loved one and prevent an emergency.

Wandering is a huge problem in the Autism community. 51% of kids w/Autism will wander from a place of safety. Immediate intervention is vital. I’ve been testing AngelSense GPS in my house for 2 years and it works amazingly well. Rob Gorski, @theautismdad

Take Immediate Action During Emergencies

Get Peace of Mind Knowing You Aren’t Helpless When Your Loved One Wanders

 When you lose track of your loved one for even one minute, having the tools to do something is invaluable. AngelSense allows you to immediately speak with your loved one, send temporary access of a live map to anyone, see your location on a real-time map to easily get directions to them, and so much more.

It only took a second, I bent down to tie my shoe and my son was gone. Thankfully, we have AngelSense so I immediately called his device and could hear the ice cream truck, I knew he was still in the park and which way to head to get to him. Every parent with a runner needs this device!
Daviion, Autism Dad

Go Places & Do Things You Never Dreamed Possible

Knowing You’re Loved One is Safe Will Change Your Life and Theirs

  • Sleep & Breathe Easier
  • Allow Greater Freedom
  • Attend Events, Gatherings
  • Build Trust & Confidence

My mom wants her freedom, and with AngelSense we can give it to her. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and after an incident where we couldn’t find her for hours, we got AngelSense and it has helped us so much. Now she can walk the dog by herself and still do things on her own without us having to worry about where she is.
Tori, Mom with Early Stage Dementia

Reliable Alerts for a Quick Recovery

When every second counts you can rely on AngelSense

 AngelSense advanced tracking and alerting system, ensures that you know as soon as possible when your loved one isn’t where they are supposed to be. Proactive alerts allow you to take action and get to your loved one as soon as possible.

As any parent who has experienced a lost child knows, the feeling of fear and dread is indescribable. AngelSense has completely eliminated any stress or fear about where my child is. I have used the AngelSense tracker for two years now and I don’t know how I ever lived without it. Not only would I highly recommend it to every parent of an autistic child, but it would work just as well for those suffering from Alzheimer’s who are prone to wander. Believe me when I say, the peace of mind that I have achieved far outweighs the small monthly fee. I GUARANTEE you will not regret getting it.
Mark, Autism Dad


Try AngelSense Risk Free


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